Sunday, October 25, 2015

I am Malala

For English class I am reading, "I am Malala." By Malala yousafazi. The book is about a teenage girl who lives in swat, Pakistan. Malala's home gets invaded by the Taliban and they prevent girls from going to school and getting an education. Malala speaks against what the Taliban are doing, and as a result of standing up for her beliefs she gets shot in the head by the Taliban at age of 15.

Honestly, I thought this book was going to be really boring and that it was just go on and on about importance of education. But instead I loved this book, Malala starts off the book talking about her parents and the important roles they played in her standing up for her beliefs. I think Malala started the book of talking about her parents because she didn't have much to write about. Disregarding the fact the her country was at war and she still got shot she is 17-yeas-old.

One thing that I learned from this book was how events around the world can effect you. I have never really questioned what events around the world effect me. Usually when I hear something tragic happen I do feel extremely bad for the people it effected but I tend to push it to the side and carry on with my life.  In I am Malala when 9/11 happened it changed Malala's world. "We did not realize then that 9/11 would change our world too, and would bring war to our valley" (Yousafzai 57). " That part of the book really stood out to me. I never knew that something on the other side of the world could effect someone not even close to that.

I really enjoyed reading this book and I recommend to anyone who has gone through discrimination or a hard time in their life.


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