Tuesday, May 3, 2016

The Compound

 For English class I am currently reading The Compound by S.A Bodeen. She is the same author who wrote the raft. I chose to read a book by the same author because, I Though her writing was so powerful , exciting, and extremely organized. 
The compound is about a boy named Eli Yanakakis  son of a billionaire -Rex Yanakaki. Eli's father had already seen the possibility that they might be getting involved in a nuclear war. So he takes matters into his own hands, and starts to build "The Compound." The compound, is a fallout shelter  except it's 6 feet underground. Eli's father predictions were correct and there was a nuclear war. They have to learn to adjust to their new life. They adjusted  but none of them are happy with it. For Eli no matter how luxurious the compound is it can't make up for the dull routine of the doing the same thing day after day.  Put your self in Eli's shoes, if you were in the same situation as him what would you do?

 As problems
with their carefully planned existence threaten to destroy their sanctuary, Eli can't help but wonder if he'd rather take his chances outside. Eli's father built the Compound to keep them safe. But will they be safe or sorry?  
Im going to share one of my favorite lines from the book with you guys, to show all of you what an amazing writer S.A Bodeen is. "Maybe I could find out what was going on outside of these walls. If dad had kept that information from me, chances are he was keeping some other secrets from me as well. And I intended to find out what all those secrets are." S.A. Bodeens writing is also very mysterious and she puts a message/ a meaning behind her writing. 
 I am almost done with this book and I really enjoyed reading it. This is a book I would recommend to any one who loves action, sci-fi, drama, and mystery. Below I listed a book trailer if anyone is interested in checking it out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIqfps2DgVA

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